Foster Memorial Beach (Long Beach) Shoreline Restoration Fund

Help us plant continue to plant native coastal grasses and shrubs to replenish the natural buffer between the beach and parking area at Foster Memorial Beach aka Long Beach in Noyac/Sag Harbor.

Working together with the Southampton Town Parks & Recreation Department and Noyac Civic Council, CCE hosted a community event on April 2, 2022 to conduct plantings around the area surrounding Memorial Rock, as a starting point for the restoration needed to protect and preserve this shoreline from erosion and runoff.

Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program and volunteers planted beach grass, switch grass, and some small shrubs such as beach plum and Virginia rose. Plantings will hopefully continue in fall 2022 once temperatures are conducive to transplanting.

Coastal plants help to anchor our beaches in place, serve as habitat for wildlife, filter runoff and preserve the natural beauty of our landscape. The Noyac Civic Council hopes that this event in April 2022 will be a springboard for future restoration workshops and other environmental efforts needed at Long Beach. This is where we need your help!