
Ella Gatfield Ella Gatfield

Shellfish 101

Shellfish 101 - first Stewardship Session of the season

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Back to the Bays Midsummer Update 

Our Back to the Bays Team has been busy to say the least this summer! The majority of our fieldwork, and plant and animal care in our shellfish and coastal plant nurseries takes place during these warm weather months. And it takes a lot of hard work to keep everything thriving and growing.

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Seaweed, sag harbor, montauk, east hampton Ella Gatfield Seaweed, sag harbor, montauk, east hampton Ella Gatfield

Celebrating Seaweed: Our Art and Awareness Event

Back to the Bays is thrilled to share the success of our recent art and awareness event, This is Seaweed, hosted at Ashawagh Hall in East Hampton. The opening reception on July 19th was a remarkable evening, with a tremendous turnout and an incredible show of support for our Back to the Bays Seaweed Initiative.

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east hampton Kimberly Manzo east hampton Kimberly Manzo

Site Visit to Hog Creek

Thanks to funding by East Hampton’s Community Preservation Fund, CCE Marine Program has been working in many waterbodies within East Hampton to identify where the highest levels of groundwater nutrients enter the water, with the goal of mitigating algae blooms and impoving water quality.

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hampton bays Ella Gatfield hampton bays Ella Gatfield

SEAd Bombs for Spring

With spring’s arrival, Back to the Bays team members and volunteers gathered to make SEAd bombs to encourage biodiversity on Long Island. Join us this Earth Day, on April 22, to make and launch SEAd bombs, learn about Blue Carbon, garden, and explore the marsh with our habitat specialists!

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sag harbor Hazel Wodehouse sag harbor Hazel Wodehouse

Kidd Squid’s Brew for the Bay Helps Us Finish Off 2023 On A High Note!

Last Friday, December 15th we celebrated the release of our special beer collaboration with Kidd Squid Brewing Co. at their brewery in Sag Harbor. Before the event was even over, every last case, can, and keg was gone! We are so grateful for the overwhelming support of the Sag Harbor community and everyone who purchased the special Hazy IPA (produced with all NY sourced grain!), dubbed the “Brew for the Bay Sag Harbor”.

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shelter island Kate Rossi-Snook shelter island Kate Rossi-Snook

A Most Thankful Harvest

When the 2023 scallop season opened in New York State waters on Monday, November 6, it seemed like the East End harvest was going to be a meager one for the fifth consecutive year – but Shelter Island’s baymen and residents joyously embraced a few bountiful days once town waters opened the following week.

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